Measures To be Taken By Schools and Parents to Combat Obesity
We all have heard about Child Obesity and might be wondering what this is. You all have a general idea that obesity is not healthy, but what are the concerns? The number of obese children has increased dramatically in recent years. About 10 percent of children aged 4 and 5 are obese. Overweight is more common in girls than boys and preschoolers (4-5 years) than younger children (2-3 years). Obesity increases even
Challenges in the Management of Geriatric Obesity in High-Risk Populations
Overview: Our country is said to become the World’s Economic Powerhouse by 2050, surpassing China, this majorly attributed to the rise in population our country possesses. With the rapid growth of the economy, the income of the individuals has risen. The increase in revenue has its adverse effects in the form of altered lifestyle, which in turn has its devastating effects on an individual’s health. Off all the health conditions, obesity,
Obesity and surgical options
About kamineni Kamineni hospital is a specialized hospital chain with 40super specialities offering world-class health care in hyderabad .deducting to saving lifes,kamineni has been on the forefront of medical breakthrough right from it inception .kamineni is always upgrading itself with latest medical technologyies and techniques.with a slw of expert medical practitioners working full time ,it offers a perfect hormony of health and happiness for everyone to experience life the way it