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January 2023

It is not uncommon to experience increased hair loss in the months following bariatric surgery. It is one of the side effects of any significant weight loss procedure and bariatric surgery. Your body can be adversely affected by nutrient deficiencies, stress, and hormonal imbalances — all these factors can be caused by weight loss surgery, restrictive diets, and rapid weight loss. For most people, the effects of hair loss are generally

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure which helps to lose weight for those who are severely overweight or obese. It is a type of weight-loss treatment that involves making changes to your stomach and small intestine to limit the amount of food you eat which in turn helps you to absorb fewer calories from the consumed food.  Bariatric surgery is typically recommended for people who have a body mass index (BMI)

Side effects after undergoing major surgeries are common and developing gallstones after bariatric surgery is one of the side effects in some people. However, it can be managed if proper care is taken. In rare cases, if the severity of the problem increases, the gallbladder might need to be removed.  Gallstones Gallstones are hard, pebble-like deposits that form in the gallbladder or other parts of the biliary tract. They are made up

It is possible to become pregnant after bariatric surgery, although women should wait at least 16-18 months after their surgery before trying to conceive. During this time, women should focus on achieving and maintaining their goal weight and monitoring their nutritional status. Women who become pregnant after bariatric surgery need to pay special attention to their nutritional status, as deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are more common in this population. It