Laparoscopic vs. robotic hernia surgery: what’s the difference?
A few years ago, undergoing surgery required larger incisions (invasive approaches), which involved a risk of infection and long recovery times. However, recent technological improvements in the medical industry led to the development of advanced surgical techniques (minimally invasive approaches) that require very small incisions.
Of many health problems, hernia is one of the more complicated ones that used invasive approaches to repair until a few years ago, but now minimally invasive surgical procedures like laparoscopic hernia surgery and robotic hernia surgery are available to fix complicated hernias. Each surgical procedure offers advantages and benefits of its own. In this latest article, Dr. Venugopal Pareek, one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Hyderabad, provided his insights regarding the differences and advantages.
What’s a hernia?
A hernia is a lump of organs formed out of parts of the intestine or other abdominal tissue that protrudes out through a weak muscle, mostly around the abdominal area. This lump can cause pain and discomfort. Hernias are of different types named based on the area they appear, and most of them require treatment over time. A small and symptomless hernia might not require treatment. However, if treatment is necessary, it will be a surgical option, and the best treatment options are laparoscopic and robotic hernia repair.
What is laparoscopic hernia surgery?
Laparoscopic hernia sur
gery, which became popular in the early 1990s, is the most commonly used surgical procedure to repair most types of hernias. Laparoscopic hernia surgery involves making a few small incisions near the hernia. After that, some specialised instruments are sent through the incisions, including a laparoscope to repair it. A laparoscope is a thin tube with a light-headed camera. The surgeon uses this laparoscope to have a clear visual of the inside so that they can repair the hernia by inserting other special tools.
Laparoscopic hernia surgery offers many advantages over invasive approaches (open surgery). As it is less invasive, smaller incisions leave with less scarring, shorter hospital stays, less pain following surgery, and a quick recovery time. In some complicated cases, laparoscopic hernia surgery might not be a viable option. However, doctors suggest the best approach depending on many factors and specific circumstances of the case.
What is robotic hernia repair?
Robotic hernia repair is an advanced surgical procedure that became popular in 2007 and is performed with the help of a surgical robot. Here the procedure is performed by the surgeon, but he controls the robot sitting at a console. This robot is equipped with specialised instruments and a laparoscope, which are inserted through small incisions made near the hernia and repaired.
Robotic hernia repair has benefits similar to laparoscopic surgery, like smaller incisions, less scarring, quick recovery, less postoperative pain, etc., and additional benefits like precision because the robot’s tools have a greater range of motion.
What’s the Difference?
Laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery—both are minimally invasive surgical procedures with similar approaches like smaller incisions, use of a laparoscope, quick recovery, etc. However, the two approaches differ significantly in some ways, such as:
Control of surgical tools: In laparoscopic surgery, the surgical tools are hand-held instruments that are directly handled by the surgeon. Whereas in a robotic procedure, the tools are attached to a robot, and the surgeon guides the robot sitting at a computer console using a joystick.
Precision: As the surgeon performs the laparoscopic surgery, the range of motion is limited, as the length of the tools is constrained. However, in the case of robotic surgery, the length of the tools is not constrained, and they can penetrate deep, so the range of motion is not limited. This may improve the precision of the surgery in many cases.
Cost of the surgery: Compared to laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery is more expensive, which might be due to the cost of the robotic equipment and the special training necessary for the surgeons to operate using the robot.
Surgeons will have a two-dimensional view of the surgical area during a laparoscopic procedure, whereas in a robotic procedure, surgeons will have a three-dimensional view of the surgical area.
Overall, both are effective surgical approaches for hernia repair. Yet, the decision of which approach to use depends on many circumstances of the case. Robotic surgeries are advanced as they can handle complex operations. Robotic technology can perform a wide range of procedures, including those on the heart, knee and shoulder joints, GI tract, spine, neck, reproductive system, etc.
Though the recovery is shorter for both procedures, it depends on various factors, which include the overall health of the patient, the type of surgery, and how well postoperative instructions are followed. Patients can return to work and other regular activities quickly if they follow postoperative instructions, which also minimises the risk of complications.
For more detailed information, consult Dr. Venugopal Pareek, one of the best laparoscopic and robotic hernia repair surgeons in Hyderabad. To book an appointment with the doctor, call +91 91777 77715 and book your slot.