How will bariatric surgery improve my overall health?
Bariatric surgery can be life-changing for those who are obese but are unable to achieve long-term success with other weight loss attempts. Apart from taking those extra kilos off, weight loss surgery has other benefits too. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are the most commonly done procedures, and they lead to sustainable weight loss. What is the principle behind weight loss surgery? There are mainly 2 principles behind Bariatric surgery:- Reduce the
Improve your heart health with Bariatric surgery during these Covid Times
Let us clearly understand how obesity is defined—being overweight or obese means that a person's weight is more than the "healthy weight" for a "given height." BMI(Body Mass Index) is a conventional metric to define overweight and obesity. One can easily calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. In adults, BMI of 18.5 to 25 is the normal range, 25 to
How Will Weight Loss Surgery Help Me Lose Weight?
Weight loss surgery or Bariatric Surgery not only serves cosmetic purposes, but it helps patients overcome health problems like Diabetes, Heart diseases, joint pains, and back pain, to name a few. The word Bariatric like many other medical terms is derived from the Greek words "baros," which means "weight" and "iatrikos," meaning "medicine." Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure opted by patients whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than
What Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary After Weight Loss Surgery?
If one is committed to lead a healthy lifestyle, there are numerous avenues to help with that—all it takes is a determined thought from you. Being overweight and obese has become a silent pandemic all over the world. At the same time, there is so much advancement in weight loss, especially Bariatric Surgery. For individuals with BMI's (Body Mass Index) higher than 30, weight loss surgery is a sweet song. For
Is Weight Loss Surgery Better Than keto Diet For Fast, Dramatic, and Long-Lasting Results?
One of the most prominent weight-loss trends today is the keto diet. It's not hard to find people who claim they lost more than 40 pounds on the keto diet. There are also social media channels filled with "before and after" photos of keto diet success stories. Also, fans of the keto diet promote rich food choices such as cheese, steak, butter, eggs, avocado, and nuts. It's fair to ask
An Overview Of Gastric Balloon Surgery For Weight Loss
Have you ever had trouble losing weight naturally and considered a bariatric procedure, but "under the knife" scares you? Then the gastric balloon procedure may be the right choice for you. These non-surgical short-term procedures are golden worldwide for decades. Unlike other bariatric procedures, the gastric balloon concept is simple and therefore, easy to understand for everyone. A soft silicone balloon is inserted into the stomach by an endoscope; hence there
Why 2021 Should Be Your Year of Weight Loss: Here’s All The Reasons
If you have gained weight since March, you know that you are not alone. A survey conducted on 1,000 nearly half of women and almost a quarter of men said they gained weight because of the limitations of COVID-19. This trend is not surprising because routines were interrupted, stress increased, and it is not clear when or if things will return to normal. But there are things you can do
Skin Sagging After Weight Loss Surgery
One primary concern of people who worked hard to lose weight is the excess sagging skin. Many people wonder "Will I have sagging skin when I lose weight, or exactly how much weight loss causes sagging skin?" These are sensible questions. Are you interested in weight loss surgery but worried about excess skin sagging ? As you gain weight, your skin expands around the new mass. Then the shrinking ability of your