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May 2024

Bariatric surgery for weight loss is a life-changing procedure. There are different types of bariatric procedures, some of which have been in practice for decades. It is a major surgical procedure with numerous benefits and some manageable complications. This surgery not only impacts the physical health of a person, but it also has an impact on their mental health and emotional well-being.  Understanding the psychological aspects before and after a weight

Bariatric surgery is a great surgical procedure that has helped millions of people struggling with severe obesity all over the world. Along with weight loss, it is known for improving various obesity-related health conditions. Usually, bariatric procedures are carried out through minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. These are popular for many benefits over traditional open surgery.  However, in recent years, experts have developed robotic-assisted surgery, like the da Vinci Surgical System—a new

Obesity has been identified as a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) because, over the past few years, obesity and related health problems have been increasing rapidly in most parts of the world, including India. While heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, etc. have been linked to being overweight, in some recent studies, experts discovered obesity can affect liver health, which may result in liver

Bariatric surgery is a form of surgery that helps people lose their excess weight. It is also known for treating various obesity-related conditions. This procedure works by altering the anatomy of the digestive system to regulate food consumption. GERD is a gastrointestinal disorder that can cause frequent backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus. Heartburn, or acid reflux, is the most common symptom of this condition, which occurs when stomach acid