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Bariatric Surgeon India

How do I keep the weight off after Bariatric Surgery?

Many people dream of a healthy lifestyle, free from obesity-related conditions and other complications after weight-loss surgery. They are prepared to start a journey without the burden of excess weight. However, most people are concerned about gaining weight post-surgery. This is because some people regain weight a few years after weight-loss surgery, mostly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Therefore, to maintain an ideal weight after surgery, one has to follow the post-surgical nutritional guidelines recommended by the doctors, as part of their new lifestyle.

The Start

In the first year after bariatric surgery, people may lose weight quickly because the reduced stomach size allows for limited calorie intake. 

People who have struggled to lose weight with non-surgical weight loss methods are likely to be strongly motivated following bariatric surgery, especially in the first 1–2 years, due to their quick weight loss results, which drive them to maintain a good diet plan and regular exercise to maintain the results.  

However, one should remember that the surgery and the subsequent significant weight loss are the first steps to a lifelong commitment to maintaining the weight loss achieved and establishing long-term habits. Even before having surgery, it is good to adopt a healthier lifestyle by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. 

Patients who are ready and prepared to face what comes in the months and years following a weight loss surgery become successful in losing and keeping the weight off.

The 2-Year Milestone


After a certain time, probably around two years following surgery, you may stop losing weight, or it will slow down. This is because your stomach begins to adjust and expand, which allows you to consume more food. 

It’s a time when you may start to lose motivation and find it harder to stick to your regular, healthy diet plan. At this point, you must encourage yourself to stay committed to your existing healthy habits to prevent gaining weight again.

Here are a few tips to maintain weight loss:

Following the below guidelines can keep your weight off in the long run. 

Eat smaller and more frequent meals. 

The diet plan for the first few weeks following bariatric surgery will be completely different and strict, It may start with pureed foods and begin to introduce solid foods gradually. Around the eighth week after surgery, you may be allowed to eat limited and restricted food several times a day. Usually, people start with 5–6 smaller meals a day, followed by four a few weeks later, and then into our regular three meals per day routine.

The most important factor in maintaining weight after surgery is recognizing fullness, which means knowing when to stop eating. This is a physical and mindset shift that you must learn over time after surgery.

Limit your caloric consumption. 

After eight weeks from bariatric surgery, it is generally recommended to eat 900 to 1,000 calories per day, which includes a minimum of 65 to 75 grams of protein. 

However, the quantity of calories to be consumed might vary depending on various factors and will be finalised by your physician. Portion control, which means how many fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains you have to eat in each meal, makes you successful in preventing weight gain.


Exercise daily

If you are a regular exercise freak before bariatric surgery, it is good, but you may need to make a few changes, like the kind of exercises you do, the time you spend, etc., after surgery. However, it is very important to introduce a regular exercise regime into your daily routine after surgery to maximize weight loss, improve physical fitness, and maintain long-term health. 

Start with 30 minutes of daily moderate exercise, which helps build muscle mass and boost metabolism. Later, you can introduce intense exercises like aerobics and some strength training exercises. Build an exercise plan that works for you only with the help of your physician to avoid overexertion or injury. With dedication and consistency, you can reap the maximum benefits of bariatric surgery, which encourages you to live a more active and healthy life.

Give importance to sleep

Getting ample hours of sleep should top your wellness habits list after bariatric surgery. The National Sleep Foundation suggests adults sleep 7 to 9 hours daily. Sleep apnea is one of the most common obesity-related complications, which might be resolved in some people after bariatric surgery. Giving your body ample rest it needs is very important to recover from the new changes your body is undergoing.

Reduce stress

When we are under stress, our body releases more cortisol. When your cortisol levels rise, it leads to weight gain and increases your blood sugar levels as well. Manage your stress levels, especially after surgery, by learning different coping mechanisms like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or any other habit that brings down your stress levels to maintain weight loss.

You can also join support groups and be around like-minded people, which will help you stay on track. Support groups, especially those designed for people in their weight-loss journey, can resolve issues like negative body image, boost self-confidence etc. Bariatric surgery offers health benefits beyond weight loss as it addresses certain health issues like diabetes, sleep problems, cardiac diseases, respiratory problems, etc.

Bariatric surgery requires a long-term commitment from the patients. For detailed information about bariatric surgery, consult Dr. Venugopal Pareek, one of the best bariatric surgeons in Hyderabad. 

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