Frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery
Many in the world are tackling the problem of Obesity. The first step is to try out a modified lifestyle. Changing dietary habits and regular exercise should be done irrespective of if you are thinking about weight loss surgery or not. One thing to remember is that surgery is one important milestone in the long journey of weight loss. It is also important to understand Who is eligible for the
What type of weight-loss surgery is ideal for young females?
Obesity, a silent pandemic, is not only found in adults or the elderly. Do you know that childhood and adolescent obesity is becoming quite common across the globe? As high as 17% of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are obese. But one might think, what can happen? With growing age, they will naturally lose weight and become fit. Not quite right, if left unaddressed, children and teens may
How will bariatric surgery improve my overall health?
Bariatric surgery can be life-changing for those who are obese but are unable to achieve long-term success with other weight loss attempts. Apart from taking those extra kilos off, weight loss surgery has other benefits too. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are the most commonly done procedures, and they lead to sustainable weight loss. What is the principle behind weight loss surgery? There are mainly 2 principles behind Bariatric surgery:- Reduce the
What are the dos and don’ts after bariatric surgery?
Remember that weight loss surgery has the power to change your life, but it's only the starting step. After surgery, it's essential to take measures that can enhance the longevity of the results and improve your health and life. Some procedures like the gastric balloon are temporary, and some, like gastric band surgery, do not alter your anatomy. It's important to note that always follow the dietary guidelines of your physician.
What are the pre-operative requirements in order to undergo either bariatric operation?
Bariatric surgery is different from other surgeries. It changes your whole personality, alters your physical, mental and emotional health. It is one of those surgeries where pre-operative care is equally important as post-operative care. The more thought and lifestyle changes the patient makes before surgery, the easier the transition will be, and the better will be your weight loss results. Ensure your body's health for the procedure, and at the
When can I plan pregnancy after weight loss surgery?
Bariatric surgery is the most preferred choice for weight loss when diet and exercise are not helping much. It is usually done when the Body Mass Index i.e. the weight to height ratio, is greater than 35. Bariatric surgery is crucial when obesity-related complications like diabetes, PCOS, hypertension, thyroid, cholesterol, etc., become life-threatening. In women, obesity causes issues in pregnancy, since obese women usually develop PCOS or Thyroid dysfunction. Both
Should all the patients have plastic surgery after weight loss
Dear Reader, Congratulations on your new look after weight loss surgery. You have shed all those extra kilos of weight and feeling light, both in the body and mind. That's a great feeling, isn't it? After a successful weight loss surgery, most patients are proud of their new bodies and are committed to maintaining their new weight. Dr Venu Gopal Pareek and his well-accomplished team are with you throughout your
What is the Best Way to Track Weight Loss Goals
In these modern times, fitness goals have become common worldwide and across all age groups. Just like it is important to track every goal, weight loss goals also need to be tracked. But this tracking is not limited to just measuring the self on a weighing machine(scales). Relying on scales can be counterproductive too. Once in a while, weighing on the scales is good, but people often get fixated on
Improve your heart health with Bariatric surgery during these Covid Times
Let us clearly understand how obesity is defined—being overweight or obese means that a person's weight is more than the "healthy weight" for a "given height." BMI(Body Mass Index) is a conventional metric to define overweight and obesity. One can easily calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. In adults, BMI of 18.5 to 25 is the normal range, 25 to
How Will Weight Loss Surgery Help Me Lose Weight?
Weight loss surgery or Bariatric Surgery not only serves cosmetic purposes, but it helps patients overcome health problems like Diabetes, Heart diseases, joint pains, and back pain, to name a few. The word Bariatric like many other medical terms is derived from the Greek words "baros," which means "weight" and "iatrikos," meaning "medicine." Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure opted by patients whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than