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Author: Bariatric Surgeon

Bariatric surgery is a powerful and effective way to help people lose weight, reduce certain health-related problems, and lead a healthier lifestyle. For people who are having trouble losing weight and managing their health conditions, it may be a life-changing option. Most people do not suffer from any severe side effects after undergoing weight loss surgery. However, constipation is one of the most common complaints reported after undergoing bariatric surgeries like

Bariatric Surgery is a major weight-loss treatment which can have a profound impact on a person's physical and mental health. As a result, pre- and post-operative psychological counselling is vital for making sure that patients are mentally ready for surgery and can handle its challenges. The following are some of the factors that make psychological counselling crucial both before and after bariatric surgery: Importance of Pre-operative Psychological Counselling in Bariatric Surgery Pre-operative psychological

The outbreak of obesity has become widely known worldwide, with many nations having seen a rise in obesity rates since the 1980s. Obesity is a direct contributor to the development of many health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep disorders. So, it is commonly accepted that being overweight can have a negative effect on one's heart health. There is a significant amount of clinical

When a person has sleep apnea, their natural sleep cycle is disrupted as they stop breathing for a brief period of time (stops breathing for a few seconds) while they are asleep. In addition to having symptoms like snoring, gasping, or choking while they sleep, people with this disorder frequently wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed.  The cause of obstructive sleep apnea can be attributed to various reasons such as obesity,

The keto diet, the recent approach for weight loss, has become popular and a viable option for many people looking to reduce extra calories these days. However, a major question for bariatric surgery patients is whether a keto diet can be a suitable substitute for the surgery. A keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat dietary pattern that favors the use of fat as energy. It means, it primarily limits carbohydrate intake

If you are considering weight loss surgery in Hyderabad, you are likely dreaming of the transformations your body will undergo: losing weight, more visible curves, and feeling more vibrant. You may also think of the foods you can enjoy, the clothes that will fit and the activities you can participate in.  In the process, you may also think of the concerns about the possibilities for loose skin following bariatric surgery as

Gastric balloons and lap bands are two revolutionary weight-loss procedures with advanced technology. The gastric balloon is a minimally invasive procedure where a deflated balloon is inserted into the stomach and then filled with a sterile saline solution. As a result of this procedure, a person consumes less food. A lap band is a more invasive procedure, where a band is placed around the top of the stomach to create

Do you know there are techniques for losing weight without undergoing surgery or sweating for hours in the gym?  We hope that most of you wish you could lose weight without spending hours at the gym. Thinking of ways to get what we want quickly is human nature, but only sometimes it may be possible to find shortcuts in every situation. However, a short procedure to lose weight without spending hours

It is not uncommon to experience increased hair loss in the months following bariatric surgery. It is one of the side effects of any significant weight loss procedure and bariatric surgery. Your body can be adversely affected by nutrient deficiencies, stress, and hormonal imbalances — all these factors can be caused by weight loss surgery, restrictive diets, and rapid weight loss. For most people, the effects of hair loss are generally

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure which helps to lose weight for those who are severely overweight or obese. It is a type of weight-loss treatment that involves making changes to your stomach and small intestine to limit the amount of food you eat which in turn helps you to absorb fewer calories from the consumed food.  Bariatric surgery is typically recommended for people who have a body mass index (BMI)