Can obesity lead to Sleep Apnea ? How can Bariatric Surgery help it ?
When a person has sleep apnea, their natural sleep cycle is disrupted as they stop breathing for a brief period of time (stops breathing for a few seconds) while they are asleep. In addition to having symptoms like snoring, gasping, or choking while they sleep, people with this disorder frequently wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed.
The cause of obstructive sleep apnea can be attributed to various reasons such as obesity, enlarged tonsils, allergies, and even genetics.
Consequently, in some cases, obesity can also lead to sleep apnea. In fact, one of the main risk factors for developing sleep apnea is obesity. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is defined by breathing pauses while you’re asleep, which can end up causing poor-quality sleep and depriving the body of oxygen.
Excess weight, especially around the neck and torso, can make the airway narrow and lead to airway restriction during sleep, which can result in obstructive sleep apnea. The excess fat tissue in the neck can pressure the airway and makes it hard to pass air through it; so it becomes difficult to breathe. Moreover, fat accumulation in the abdominal region can result in pressure on the diaphragm, making it more difficult to breathe and increasing the chances of sleep apnea.
Losing weight has the potential to help with the severity of sleep apnea symptoms in some cases, as it reduces the fat around the neck area and increases the airflow while sleeping. Other treatments for sleep apnea include the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines, which provide a continuous flow of air to keep the airway open while sleeping, and oral appliances that help to properly position the jaw and tongue to maintain an open airway.
Weight loss can be achieved in different ways such as by eating a healthy & balanced diet, exercising regularly, and making lifestyle changes. When they don’t work bariatric surgery is the last best resort for weight loss.
How can Bariatric Surgery help to treat sleep Apnea?
Bariatric surgery can be an effective treatment option for sleep apnea in individuals who are obese.
Bariatric surgery, a type of weight loss surgery, can assist to treat sleep apnea in a number of ways. With that being said, losing weight helps ease pressure on the airways and enhance airflow as you sleep. Furthermore, it minimises inflammation and enhances the way of respiratory muscles work, which will make breathing easier.
Many studies have demonstrated that having bariatric surgery can significantly alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea, including less snoring, higher oxygen levels, and fewer breathing pauses. Although bariatric surgery can be beneficial for those with sleep apnea, it is not a standalone solution and should be used in combination with other treatments like CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy for the best results.
It should be noted that not all people with sleep apnea are suitable for bariatric surgery. Making a choice to have bariatric surgery should be done on an individual basis, considering the medical condition and health background of the person. Dr. Venugopal Pareek, one of the best bariatric surgeon in Hyderabad, says that a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional is necessary to determine the most appropriate treatment options for sleep apnea.
For more detailed information consult Dr. V Pareek. Call +91 91-777-77715 or visit for Appointment Booking.