What Type of Exercise is Best for Weight Loss?
One healthy and historical way to lose weight is by regular exercise. Just changing dietary habits is not sufficient. One should also step up their exercise routine. Making exercise a part of your life will go a long way in achieving your fitness goals. On average, one should aim to do at least 300 minutes of moderately intense activity each week. Let's look at some of the exercises that can
Is Diet or Exercise More Important for Weight Loss?
The two most preferred options are "Diet" and "Exercise" when trying to lose weight. But which one is more important? This million-dollar question has been asked very often. This blog will give all the information about these two options and what works in the long run. Weight-loss Options To lose weight, your body must burn more calories than you consume. One can achieve this by any of these three means: By eating
Why do some people regain weight after bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a lifesaving surgery for those suffering from life-threatening conditions due to obesity. There are 2 ways Bariatric surgery achieves weight loss, i.e. by reducing calories consumed or minimizing the absorption of calories or both (depending on the type of surgery). The former is known as restrictive surgeries, where the stomach size is reduced. The latter are malabsorption surgeries, which force lower calorie absorption. There are other procedures
How do I prepare my body for bariatric surgery?
With the world being more aware of maintaining a healthy weight, medical sciences are coming up with advanced techniques. It is a good sign that more and more people want to maintain their fitness levels and lead a more healthy lifestyle. For some, they might have to take additional steps apart from diet and exercise to get back to their ideal BMI. Bariatric surgery is a great boon for those
What is the right amount of exercise after weight-loss surgery?
In the journey towards weight loss, bariatric surgery is a crucial milestone. But one should not think that it is the final stop. The long-term benefits of bariatric surgery can only be realized if the patient maintains a regular exercise regime and follows the diet as prescribed by the weight loss surgeon. In addition, preparing the self mentally and discipline are essential. Patients who had laparoscopic surgery can return to normal
Frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery
Many in the world are tackling the problem of Obesity. The first step is to try out a modified lifestyle. Changing dietary habits and regular exercise should be done irrespective of if you are thinking about weight loss surgery or not. One thing to remember is that surgery is one important milestone in the long journey of weight loss. It is also important to understand Who is eligible for the
What is the safest form of weight loss surgery?
One of the silent pandemics in the world is being overweight and obese. Irrespective of demographics and age, the modern lifestyle itself contributes heavily to this pandemic. However, many ignore the initial symptoms of being overweight? If they do not change their lifestyle factors contributing to weight gain, they quickly become obese. But initially, if they change their dietary habits and start doing regular exercise, overweight can be controlled from
What type of weight-loss surgery is ideal for young females?
Obesity, a silent pandemic, is not only found in adults or the elderly. Do you know that childhood and adolescent obesity is becoming quite common across the globe? As high as 17% of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are obese. But one might think, what can happen? With growing age, they will naturally lose weight and become fit. Not quite right, if left unaddressed, children and teens may
How will bariatric surgery improve my overall health?
Bariatric surgery can be life-changing for those who are obese but are unable to achieve long-term success with other weight loss attempts. Apart from taking those extra kilos off, weight loss surgery has other benefits too. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are the most commonly done procedures, and they lead to sustainable weight loss. What is the principle behind weight loss surgery? There are mainly 2 principles behind Bariatric surgery:- Reduce the
Can you regain weight after weight loss surgery?
It is common to observe that within the years of weight loss surgery, patients regain weight, but they can still keep off over80 % of their excess weight after 5 years. Statistics of Average Weight Regain After weight loss surgery are as follows:- 50% of patients regain some weight after 2 years After reaching their lowest weight, the weight regain could be in the range of 8-10% In ten years