Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Types Of Bariatric Surgery
Obesity is considered a significant cause of illness and increases the risk of serious life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and some types of cancer. Losing weight and maintaining it at a healthy level is the best way to reduce the risk of all of these health conditions. But losing weight can be difficult for those who are very obese and a bariatric operation can help you. Bariatric surgery is the most effective weight-loss operation that causes gastric limitation or malabsorption of nutrients, or a combination of both.
Each type of bariatric operation has advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, it is important to discuss weight loss options with the Best Bariatric Surgeon in Hyderabad Dr Venu Gopal Pareek to determine which solution is right for you. This article will provide information about types of weight loss surgeries in Hyderabad and their advantages and disadvantages. Before that, let us see…
What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that helps you lose weight. Surgery is an option for some people who are obese and who have not been able to lose weight using other methods. There are various procedures for bariatric surgery. The type of bariatric surgery that works best for you depends on several factors like your overall health, your health needs, and your preferences.
Different types of procedures in bariatric surgery:
Most weight loss Surgeries in Hyderabad use minimally invasive techniques. The most common methods are:
- Gastric bypass Surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Adjustable gastric band
- Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch.
Let us see in detail of each surgery and their advantages and disadvantages.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, commonly known as gastric bypass, is considered the most reliable and gold-standard type of weight loss surgery. This bariatric procedure consists of two main parts. First, the stomach is divided into two, and a small pouch is made with a volume of about 1 ounce. The initial portion of the small intestine is then separated, and the lower end of the divided small intestine is connected to the newly created stomach pouch. Important things to know:-
- First, a new stomach pouch is significantly smaller, which can hold less food, which means fewer calories consumed.
- Second, passing through the small intestine means the absorption of fewer calories and nutrients.
- Finally, redirecting the flow of food encourages changes in intestinal hormones that suppress hunger and increase satiety.
Benefits of gastric bypass:
- Produce long-term weight loss.
- Energy expenditure increases.
- Decreased appetite and increased satiety
- Low Food consumption
- Inhibiting the amount of food that can be consumed.
Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass:
- Operations are more complicated compared to the AGB and LSG.
- Long-term vitamin / mineral deficiency.
- This procedure has a more extended hospital stay than AGB.
Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Laparoscopic gastric gastrectomy is performed by removing almost 80 per cent of the stomach and leaving only the tube pouch. This is good in terms of weight loss and diabetes remission compared with gastric bypass. The success of gastric gastrectomy depends on several factors:
- First, a new stomach contains significantly less food.
- Second, surgery has a significant impact on intestinal hormones, which help reduce hunger, increase satiety, and control blood sugar levels.
Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
- Limit the amount of food.
- Causes rapid and significant weight loss.
- A short hospital stay during this process
- Prevent hunger, reduce appetite and improves satiety
Disadvantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
- Non-reversible process
- Long-term vitamin deficiency.
- The initial complication rate is higher than the AGB if adequate care not taken.
Adjustable Gastric Band:
Adjustable gastric band, often referred to as gastric band surgery, includes an inflatable balloon that is placed over the stomach to make a small pouch above the band. Smaller gastric pouches, which are formed by placing bands, can get saturated by eating less food. However, saturation depends on the size of the opening between the sac and the rest of the stomach, which is formed by the gastric band. The size of the bag can be adjusted by filling the strip with sterile saline that is injected through a hole under the skin. Holes shrink gradually over time. The success of this group lies in the fact that it reduces hunger, which helps patients reduce calorie consumption.
Advantages of Gastric Band:
- Reducing the amount of food in the stomach
- Promotes excessive weight loss
- No need to cut the stomach or bypassing the intestines
- Including shorter hospital stays of less than 24 hours
- The process is reversible and can be adjusted
- The lowest complication
- Low risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency
Disadvantages of Gastric Band:
- Slower weight loss
- Contains the presence of foreign devices in the body
- Can cause mechanical problems with the band
- Can cause widening of the oesophagus if the patient eats too much
- Demand strict adherence to postoperative diets and follow-up examinations
- The high repetition rate of surgery
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch:
This procedure is very similar to the gastric bypass. The process consists of two parts. First, a small bag is made by removing the section of the stomach. Next, an important part of the small intestine is bypassed. The first part of the small intestine (duodenum) is transected at the gastric outlet, and the last part of the small intestine is connected to the newly formed stomach. When the patient eats, the food goes straight into the new stomach pouch and is emptied into the last part of the small intestine. A significant portion of the small intestine is bypassed by food flow, which leads to a significant reduction in calorie intake and nutrition.
Advantages of Biliopancreatic Diversion:
- The weight loss results are higher than other procedures.
- Patients can eat normally.
- Reduce the absorption of fat up to 70% or more.
- Reduce appetite and improve satiety.
Disadvantages of Biliopancreatic Diversion:
- Higher levels of complications and risk compared to other procedures.
- Requires more days of hospital stay than other methods.
- Protein deficiency will be more.
An experienced bariatric surgeon can help you determine the best procedure for you. Are you looking for a reliable and experienced Weight loss surgeon in Hyderabad? If so, you can contact Dr Venu Gopal Pareek, a well-known bariatric and metabolic surgeon who specializes in bariatric surgery, bariatric nutrition, and obesity. We have modern tools and equipment to make weight loss treatments very influential for your health. Get the best bariatric surgery in Hyderabad and avoid the fear of obesity. Give us a chance to serve you, and you will see a remarkable change in yourself.
Enjoy better health, better blood pressure, better cholesterol, better diabetes control, freedom from angina and heart surgery, and finally, last but not least, weight control healthy long-term. This is all good news. ” Contact Dr Venu Gopal Pareek For more information on bariatric surgery at 091777 77715 and book your appointment.