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Author: Bariatric Surgeon

Nowadays number of women undergoing weight-loss surgery is increasing, and more over women of childbearing age(women who are planning for pregnancy) are also undergoing this surgery. Is it safe or even possible to get pregnant after that? What is the waiting period? Are there any precautions you need to take to ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth after surgery? Weight loss surgery is becoming increasingly popular in India because of its

Obese people often suffer from serious health problems and have higher chances of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and even cancer. Weight loss surgery can save the lives of severely obese people, who cannot lose weight with healthy lifestyle changes. Doctors recommend weight loss surgery for those people whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is 40 or more and also in patients who have serious health problems associated with obesity. Obesity leads

Obesity is not just about your appearance. Perhaps most importantly, obesity can cause serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. It is also an obstacle to enjoying a happy and free life with your family. Although many people do not recognize it, obesity is a complex, chronic disease that needs weight management, medical, or surgical treatment. Bariatric surgery is considered as one of the most

Most of us thinking losing extra weight is one of the hardest things. It's never gonna be tough with the available advanced technologies. Bariatric Surgery is one of the trending procedure to remove the extra weight which helps you to gain the desired shape of your body. There are different types of bariatric surgery procedures. For detailed information get an Appointment with Dr. Venugopal Pareek, Bariatric Surgeon. He also offers a

Do You Know What are metabolic disorders? Any one suffering from metabolic disorder? Are you looking for Metabolic surgeries? Then go through this blog which will help you with metabolic treatment. How Metabolism Work? Metabolism is a chemical process that your body uses to turn your food into fuel that keeps you alive. Food consists of protein, carbohydrates and fats. These substances are broken down by enzymes in your digestive system and then transferred to cells

Diabetes has become a lifestyle disorder nowadays in India. Many changes in food and stress levels are mainly causing this. The identified leading cause is central obesity of the human body means fat on the stomach area, fattiness of belly. It is contributing more than 50% to diabetes. Here we are going to discuss how weight loss surgery is going to solve this problem. Is weight loss surgery better than diet

In India, obesity varies from 16.9%–36.3%, respectively.  Obesity is a chronic disease that is characterized by inflammatory conditions with an increased marker of inflammation. Physiologically, obesity defined as weight gain associated with excessive fat accumulation. A significant health challenge in  Indian society is obesity.  The leading causes of this multifactorial disease are; lifestyle changes (diet and physical activity), and genetically, which encourages the development of related conditions. In some cases, they

We all have heard about Child Obesity and might be wondering what this is. You all have a general idea that obesity is not healthy, but what are the concerns? The number of obese children has increased dramatically in recent years. About 10 percent of children aged 4 and 5 are obese. Overweight is more common in girls than boys and preschoolers (4-5 years) than younger children (2-3 years). Obesity increases even