Why Is Vertical Gastric Sleeve Revised With The Gastric Bypass?
Losing weight can be challenging, but diet and exercise alone may not be enough for significantly overweight individuals. The vertical gastric sleeve reduces stomach size and helps people with obesity to lose weight and improve their health.
Doctors may perform vertical sleeve revision to gastric bypass surgery if your basic VSG procedure does not produce the desired weight loss. In most cases, the patient may not follow dietary guidelines after surgery, leading to poor results. In some cases, other complications may arise. Your main priority should be to select a well-qualified bariatric surgeon to minimize the risk of surgical errors.
Remember to follow your surgeon’s advice carefully about diet and exercise before and after surgery for successful results.
Dr Venu Gopal Pareek offers a vertical gastric sleeve for gastric bypass surgery at the Sunshine Hospital Hyderabad. For more information on the revision of vertical gastric sleeve to gastric bypass, please go through this article.
What is Weight Loss Revision Surgery?
Most bariatric surgery patients have long-term success with their procedure. However, some people have had problems. Revision surgery can help resolve issues that arose after the initial surgery. There are different types of testing procedures. Which surgery is right for you will depend on the type of bariatric surgery you are having. Re operative bariatric surgery and revised bariatric surgery are other names for this procedure.
What is vertical gastric sleeve revision surgery?
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy repair is corrective surgery to remove complications after primary VSG or restore weight loss if you were unable to lose weight initially. Gastric bypass after vertical sleeve revision is the most common surgical technique your doctor may consider.
Another standard option for gastric sleeve revision surgery is a repeat sleeve gastrectomy. If your surgeon finds that your stomach has stretched significantly after the first operation, they can remove the extra part to create a smaller pouch or sleeve. If reverse bypass revision or retention is not possible in exceptional circumstances, your surgeon may recommend duodenal switch revision.
What is the difference between vertical sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass?
When considering revision surgery, it helps understand the difference between vertical sleeve procedures and gastric bypass surgery.
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy: Dr Venu Gopal Pareek uses the vertical sleeve technique to shrink the stomach up to 90 per cent. The result is a stomach that is roughly the size and shape of a banana.
Gastric bypass: In gastric bypass, the stomach is divided into two separate pouches, a small upper pouch and a lower pouch. The small upper sac is then connected directly to the small intestine to quickly pass through most of the stomach and into the intestine.
Why should the gastric sleeve be revised with the gastric bypass?
Unfortunately, some people who have had vertical sleeve surgery may find that they no longer have the desired results or have other problems. See the reasons below:-
- Reaching a Weight Loss Plateau: One possible reason to revise the vertical sleeve is to achieve a weight loss plateau. In this case, the patient may not lose enough weight to achieve a healthy body mass index.
- Severe reflux develops: A possible side effect is the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD (digestive disorder). For some, the GERD is difficult enough to require revision.
- No Significant Reduction of Health Problems: Due to lack of weight loss, some experience health risks or comorbidities associated with obesity after reducing vertical sleeve that may not significantly reduce. With the revision, it is possible to lose weight and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related health problems.
- Weight recovery: Without a healthy diet and lifestyle, people who have had vertical surgery can gain weight again. As a result, revision surgery may be required.
Vertical sleeve revision to gastric bypass
Your bariatric surgeon will evaluate your health and investigate the root cause of your weight loss failure before recommending a vertical sleeve revision of the gastric bypass.
Incision: After giving general anaesthesia, your surgeon will make a series of small incisions in your abdomen. A qualified surgeon will try to use the original incision to minimize subsequent scarring. Your gastric cuff revision surgery can be done laparoscopically, which only requires a tiny incision.
Create a pouch: Through an incision, your surgeon inserts a small video camera into your abdomen to see the underlying structures on the external monitor. They will further reduce the size of your abdominal sac and then attach it to the lower part of the small intestine. This will help reduce your nutritional capacity as well as your calorie intake.
Intestinal Bypass: At this stage, the small intestine’s upper part is reconnected to the bottom to regulate digestion. If you have severe GERD problems after your primary VSG operation, this procedure will successfully resolve the condition. After the procedure, your surgeon will carefully close the incision with stitches.
Result of Revision vertical sleeve to gastric bypass
Weight loss after vertical sleeve revision in gastric bypass surgery can reach 70% in 12 months. The fastest weight loss will occur in the first three months due to significant dietary restrictions. Depending on your commitment to a diet and exercise plan, you can achieve 100% obesity freedom 18 to 24 months after revising your sleeves for Gastric Bypass surgery.
The long-term results of weight loss with vertical sleeve revision for gastric bypass surgery are very successful in most cases. Many patients report that they manage to maintain weight loss after five or even ten years. As long as you continue to follow the postoperative diet plan, you should take your daily supplements regularly throughout your life, as the Gastric Bypass examination is a malabsorption procedure.
For the revision procedure, you will need to work closely with your bariatric care team to determine possible causes for weight recovery or weight loss failure. Doctors can correct anatomical causes with revision surgery. However, you will need to discuss potential diet and reasons for behaviour with your care team. It would be best if you balanced the lifestyle habits that can impact your success before considering revisions.
For more information about vertical sleeve revision and gastric bypass, or to discuss other weight loss options, call 091777 77715 to schedule an appointment with Dr Venu Gopal Pareek.